Smart Creative Logo Designs Which Contain Secret Symbolisms
- July 25th, 2022
- Inspiration
Today’s post is a clever collection of logo designs which contain hidden symbolism within their brand logo. At a quick glance I’m more than certain that you will be unable to identify the hidden symbolism within the logos, this is what makes these logos so creative and unique. It really makes the logos and brands memorable leaveing a long impression in customer or people who view your brand.
The feedex logo design if you look carefully contains an arrow between the “E” and the “X”.
The Tolberone logo symbol if you look carefully contains a polar bear in the logo symbol.
Big 10
The big 10 logo design in side by the “T” their is a hidden 11.
Hope For African Children
In-between the logo design symbol of the two people it also contains a map of africa.
The NBC logo design symbol contains a peacock in the logo symbol.
The zip logo design conaint a “zip” in between the Z and P.
The Eight logo contains the number 8 in each letter.
The arrow within the Amazon logo design goes from A to Z representing that they sell everything from A to Z.
Sun Micro Systems
The symbol logo within the Sun Micro logo design is built of the word sun.
Gothom Book 
The Gotham book logo contain of tow constructed out of book illustration.
Yoga Australia
Look carefully the yoga logo contains the a map of the Australia.
Baskin Robbins
In the BR symbol it conatins the number “31”.
Logo Review
The “V” is replaced with a small tick.
Formula1 Logo
In the middle of the space between the “F” is a One.
ED Logo
This logo design looks likes a plug but if you look carefully you can see an ED.
E2 Logo
Within the “E” of the logoit contains a 2.
Carrefour Logo
The Carrefour logo design symbol contains a “C” within the logo.
Milwaukee Brewers
The milwaukee brewers logo design symbol contains a “M” and “B” within the logo.
Fort Worth Zoo
The “F” “w” also creates an elephant.
The three “i” within the logo represents a family. The two R’s within the logo represents a bond between two people.