The Ultimate Collection Of 45 Watercolor Photoshop Brush Sets
- February 1st, 2010
- Freebies
The ultimate collection of watercolour and paint brush sets featuring over 45 sets and 1500 high quality Photoshop brushes, an essential resource or all designers to enjoy and use.
I once used to go through this phase of being obsessed with Photoshop brushes and I use to download every available brush pack from around the internet. As time progressed I finally started to grow out of this obsession of downloading brushes but a Photoshop brush style which I really liked the most was paint brushes because it allowed me the freedom and creativity to create designs which look like they have been created using a paint brush. I always thought that a watercolour paint effect looks pretty cool heres a huge collection and a great reference point for a wide range of awesome watercolour brushes featuring over 1500+ brushes for you to enjoy for free of charge.
What’s your favourite brush pack featured within the list? Have we missed out any brushes which you feel should of been included? Feel free to leave a comment to share your thoughts about the post.
1. WaterColor Reloaded
Brushes in the set: 83
2. Free Hi-Res Splatter Photoshop Brushes
Brushes in the set: 10
3. SimpleSmudges .2. Brushes Pack
Brushes in the set: 32
4. Free Hi-Res Watercolor Photoshop Brushes Set II
Brushes in the set: 20
5. Wet Paint Acrylic Photoshop Brushes
Brushes in the set: 16
6. Go Media Spills & Splatters
Brushes in the set: 7
7. Messy Watercolor Photoshop Brushes Set
Brushes in the set: 12
8. 17 Free Water Color Blob Brushes for Photoshop
Brushes in the set: 25
9. Free Hi-Res Watercolor Photoshop Brushes
Brushes in the set: 18
10. WaterColor .4. Brushes Pack
Brushes in the set: 16
11. Free High-Res Heavy Watercolor Spatter Photoshop Brushes
Brushes in the set: 7
12. Social Media Grungy Watercolor Brushes
Brushes in the set: 42
13. High Quality Rough and Grungy Photoshop Brushes
Brushes in the set: 14
14. Splatter Brushes
Brushes in the set: 11
15. High Res Resolution brushes
Brushes in the set: 6
16. High Res Watercolor Stroke brushes
Brushes in the set: 4
17. SimpleSmudges .1. Brushes Pack
Brushes in the set: 14
18. Watercolour Strokes Brushes
Brushes in the set: 14
19. Free High-Res Photoshop Brushes: Grungy Watercolor 
Brushes in the set: 10
20. Free Hi-Res Photoshop Brushes: Messy Spraypaint
Brushes in the set: 10
21. WaterColor .2. Brushes Pack
Brushes in the set: 25
22. Watercolour Brushes Set 1
Brushes in the set: 26
23. WaterColor .1. Brushes Pack
Brushes in the set: 17
24. Free Hi-Resolution Paint Stroke Photoshop Brushes
Brushes in the set: 15
25. Watercolour Brushes Set 2
Brushes in the set: 15
26. Free Hi-Res Watercolor Photoshop Brushes
Brushes in the set: 38
27. BK Brushes: 16 Hi-Res Splatter Brushes
Brushes in the set: 16
28. Splatter Brushes
Brushes in the set: 5
29. Watercolor Brushes Vol 1
Brushes in the set: 20
30. Brushed Ink Brushset
Brushes in the set: 18
31. BK Brushes: 15 Hi-Res Ink Strokes Brushes
Brushes in the set: 15
32. Watercolours – Set Two
Brushes in the set: 24
33. Set2 Splat SprayCan brushes
Brushes in the set: 8
Brushes in the set: 7
35. Splatter Brushes
Brushes in the set: 7
36. Brush Stroke
Brushes in the set: 20
37. Splatter Paint Brushes
Brushes in the set: 7
38. 14 Paint Brushes
Brushes in the set: 20
39. Freebie: Paint Stroke Brushes Set for Photoshop CS3
Brushes in the set: 13
40. Free Hi-Res Spraypaint Photoshop Brushes Set Two
Brushes in the set: 6
41. Free Download: Dirty Spray Photoshop Brushes
Brushes in the set: 8
42. Gorilla Splatter Brushes v1
Brushes in the set: 8
43. acrylic-paint-brushes
Brushes in the set: 40
44. High Res Mess
Brushes in the set: 5
45. 100 Essential Brush Strokes
Brushes in the set: 100