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10 free E-books for Design and UX

This is a collection of free E-books for web designers and for user experience learning. This a great compilation covering a broad range of topics from “The modern web design process” to a detailed insight into high performing websites to 50 logo design tip. This post is a great one stop shop for reading some great ebooks for UX and design.

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1. 50 logo design tips from the professionals

I’m always on the look out for ways I can improve my logo design skills. As every designer works differently, I’ve found it really valuable to speak to and learn from other logo designers, to understand their approach/process, to find out what works for them, and what doesn’t.


With a title like Resilient Web Design, you might think that this is a handbook for designing robust websites. This is not a handbook. It’s more like a history book.

3. Building a brand is like building a house

4. Adaptive webdesign

The web is an ever-changing medium whose scope, application, audience and platform continue to grow on a daily basis. If you’ve worked on the web for any amount of time, you’ve likely heard or even used the term “progressive enhancement.” Since the term’s inception, it has been considered a best practice for approaching web design. But what is it really? And how do we reconcile its meaning with the rapid evolution of the languages and browsers we rely on to do our jobs?

5. Magic of CSS

6. Your guide to enterprise UX

Internal solutions have the aim of helping people accomplish more with their work, but what happens when the solution becomes a problem?

7. UX Design for Startups

Get the UX Design for Startups Ebook to Create a Terrific Experience for Your Users

8. Elegant Web UI Design Techniques: Flat Design & Colors

UX and UI designers who have mastered flat design do. In this flat design book, you will unlock the secrets of what makes this design technique so effective.

9. A Guide to HTML5 and CSS3

We are happy to announce the launch of our free ebook A Guide to HTML5 and CSS3, authored by technical writer, web developer and programmer Ashley Menhennett.

10. Typography Handbook

A concise, referential guide on best web typographic practices.

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