Essential Tips For Making A Passive Income As A Designer
- November 23rd, 2009
- Articles
As a freelance designer relying on one source of income can be a very risky decision these are some tips on how each month you can make a passive income from a career within freelance designing.
Entering Design Contests
Entering design contests such as 99 designs Is a great way to earn a bit of extra cash because the clients are already found for you all you need to do is create a design to follow their needs and requirements. The disadvantage of entering design competitions is that there’s a lot other good designers out their, which you may have to compete with in order for your design to be picked as the winner.
Guest Blog Posting
If you’re a designer with a lot of knowledge or like to share design tips why not write a tutorial for a design blog. Guest posting on blogs will drive traffic back to your personal portfolio site and also potential clients have a chance of finding you through the guest post. The main overwhelming feature about guest posting is that you can be paid up to $150 for writing a tutorial or an article for a blog.
Selling An Ebook
An ebook is a digital alternative to a printed book. You could create an ebook about design or web design etc which you could then go on to selling, which could generate A decent profit from something which costs near enough nothing to create and setup.
Designing WordPress Themes
You can design themes for Theme Forest which is a market place which sales websites templates and wordpress themes. The advantage of creating wordpress themes or designing themes for Theme Forest is that you take percent out of each sale of that specific wordpress theme which you designed.
Google Adsense On Your portfolio
Google adsense is pay per a click advertising which means each person that clicks on a Google adsence link you get payed for it. You won’t make a huge amounts of money from using Google adsence but its a quick and easy way to make a more passive income.
Selling Premium Textures
Selling premium textures through is easy simple and like most marketplaces you keep a percent of profit from each texture which is sold. All you need to create textures is a decent camera heres an article by on how to create textures.
Creating A Design Blog
Creating a design blog can be very time consuming but can pay of off in long run, if you produce good quality content and post regularly on your blog. Buy and sell ads is an online advertising site which will look for advertisers on your behalf who will advertise their company or product on your blog. The advantage of using buy and sell ads is that they do all the hard looking for you and only take a small percent depending on upon if an advertiser chooses to buy an advert or not.
There are several design bloggers in the design community who have gone extra mile with their portfolio by creating blog to attract more clients and broaden the appearance within the design community.
Selling Design Graphics
Selling design graphics weather its rasterised or vector graphics there’s graphic market places which cater for designers who want sell design graphics. Selling design graphics via marketplaces is great simply because all what’s required is for you to upload the files and watch them sell like hot cakes without doing any real marketing.