35 Tutorials For Mastering All The New Features In Photoshop CS6
- July 2nd, 2012
- Photoshop
Photoshop is the industry go to tool for learning design, and web techniques. Adobe has released its newest application Photoshop CS6. Which has some great new features implemented into the lastest version of Photoshop. We put together an article recently which is a great insight into photoshop CS6 best new features, also worth reading.
Since there is so many new features which have been added to Photoshop CS6, we thought it would be great idear to create a roundup on tutorials which utilize the latest features in photoshop CS6. Regardless of your skill set or previous knowledge with photoshop, each tutorial is a great educational resource. The roundup features 35 tutorials in total which i’m more than certain you will enjoy. The roundup has great mixture of worded articles, and video tutorials.
Share in the comments you favorite tutorial from the roundup. I would also love to know what’s your favorite new feature.
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1. Wrath of the Titans in Photoshop CS6
So in this tutorial it will show you how to create a nice text effect based on the Wrath of the Titans poster in Photoshop CS6. The whole process is simple but it will take you 1 to 2 hours to go through everything.
2. Use New Features in Photoshop CS6 to Create an Administrator Dashboard Interface
Photoshop CS6 is packed with new features that will help you create better interface designs. In this tutorial we will utilize Photoshop’s new vector editing and stroke capabilities to create an administrator dashboard interface. We will also take advantage of Photoshop’s new snap to pixel grid feature to help create crisp and clean web graphics.
3. Add Motion Blur effects in Photoshop CS6
Motion Blur is a handy tool for creating artistic effects in Photoshop
4. Use Photoshop CS6 to Create a Micro Machines Inspired Scene
Photoshop CS6 is packed with new features and effects that you can use in your work. In this tutorial we will utilize Photoshop’s new 3D capabilities as well as its new content aware features to create a Micro Machines inspired composition.
The Crop tool hadn’t really changed since before Photoshop CS, so for CS6 Adobe has given it a modern overhaul – and it’s non destructive too.
6. How to Use Adaptive Wide-Angle Filter in Photoshop CS6
The Adaptive Wide Angle Filter in Photoshop CS6 will allow you to straighten curves and lines in photos taken with a fisheye or wide-angle lens. In this tutorial we will explain how this new filter works. Let’s get started!
7. Photoshop CS6 Logo Tutorial: Clean Professional
Create a clean professional logo in the new Photoshop CS6.
8. Working With Vectors is Easy in Photoshop CS6
Designers who work with both Photoshop and Illustrator are often frustrated with how Photoshop deals with vector graphics. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will discuss the new vector editing capabilities of Photoshop CS6.
9. Building a 3D Scene in Photoshop CS6
In this tutorial, you will build a 3D scene in Photoshop CS6using imported 3D models and modifying it. This Photoshop tutorial requires you to have basic knowledge of Photoshop and the 3D feature structure in Photoshop.
10. Better Blur with Photoshop CS6
The new Blur Gallery provides three methods: Field Blur, which can blur a whole image, Iris Blur, which lets you blur your picture but designate one or multiple areas of sharpness, and Tilt-Shift, which creates a miniature-toy effect. You can apply all three at once or one at a time, and add and adjust the amount of bokeh.
11. Manage Your Layers More Efficiently With Photoshop CS6
Designers often work with PSD files that include hundreds, if not, thousands of layers. Managing those layers was a hassle in previous versions of Photoshop. In Photoshop CS6 however, the Photoshop team has given us some tools to help us manage our layers more efficiently. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series, we will explain how to work with the new Layer Panel, and what new features and tweaks that you can expect.
12. Creating Animation with Audio in Photoshop CS6 Tutorial 
The release of Photoshop CS6 presents another revolutionary step in the history of Photoshop. While theprevious releases of Adobe Photoshop formed a real and significant change in the development ofPhotoshop, the latest version, Photoshop CS6, definitely comes with some amazing new and improved features, such as the 3D feature, content-aware and the animation timeline enhancements.
13. Finally, Background Save and Auto Recovery in Photoshop CS6
Be honest, how many times have you lost hours of work because you forgot to save your files? Photoshop users have been asking for a background save and auto recovery feature for a long time. In Photoshop CS6, Adobe delivered! In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will discuss Photoshop CS6′s new Background Save and Auto Recovery Features.
14. 3D Improvements – Photoshop CS6
If you used the 3D feature in Photoshop CS5, you know it wasn’t the most user friendly experience. In Photoshop CS6, 3D has been completely overhauled! Check out the new improvements!
15. Photoshop CS6 Includes Improved Auto Adjustment Features
For Photoshop CS6, Adobe applied lots of quick fixes to features that have been around for a while. Internally, these changes were called JDIs (Just Do It), an initiative meant to give developers a few days to fix or improve previously existing features. One of those changes was to upgrade the Auto feature available within the Curves, Levels, and Brightness/Contrast Adjustments. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will explain these improvements and why you should start using them.
16. The Hunger Games Poster Composite Using Photoshop CS6 with Tutorial
Here is a Mock Poster Composite I made as a fan of The Hunger Games, Which is utilizing the new features of photoshop CS6.
17. How to Use the Content Aware Move Tool in Photoshop CS6
In Photoshop CS6, the Photoshop team introduced a new Content Aware feature called Content Aware Move. Content Aware Move will allow you to select pixels and move or extend them to another area of your image without the use of layers and masks. All you need to do is select some pixels, drag them to a new position and let go. Photoshop CS6 will erase the old selection and move your pixels to your desired location. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will explain how this new feature works.
18. Color Splash Effect in Photoshop CS6
This tutorial will cover a topic that I get asked about quite a bit, especially with mobile applications like Color Splash, that allow you to isolate a specific color in your image. Singling out a specific color in your image
19. New Brush Features in Photoshop CS6
The Brush Panel in Photoshop CS6 includes plenty of new features. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will explain how to work with Live Pen Tilt Preview, Brush Projection, as well as the new Erodible Tip and Airbrush brushes.
20. Photoshop CS6 Blur Gallery Tutorial
One of my favorite features introduced in the Photoshop CS6 is without a doubt the Blur Gallery. This collection of three brand new filters allows for photo-realistic depth of field adjustments via an interface which allows you to place and manipulate controls directly on the image area.
21. Easily Import and Export Presets in Photoshop CS6
If you work on multiple machines or if you are planning to upgrade to Photoshop CS6, then you might dread the idea of transferring all your presets and settings to the new machine. Photoshop CS6, however makes this process really easy. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will explain how you can quickly import and export your presets and use them across several machines.
Photoshop CS6 Extended incorporates a new 3D tools engine taps the power of your graphics card to deliver blazing fast performance.
23. Using Paragraph and Character Styles in Photoshop CS6
In this past, working with a lot of text in Photoshop was a hassle. Global changes to text simply could not be made easily. In Photoshop CS6, Adobe has given us new ways to manage our text. This episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series will explain the new Paragraph and Character style panels.
24. Create Tilt-Shift Method using New Blur tool in Photoshop CS6
Tilt-sift method is to create a fake photo impression of small objects or wonderful miniature of the subject we are going to do it. You might be wondering or some may think why he is chewing the old thing which know by many – for your clarification these effects can be achieved in many way and it depends on the users and creativity the a user may go.
25. The New Crop Tool in Photoshop CS6
A good crop can make a big difference in how well a photograph looks. In Photoshop CS6, Adobe has made some significant changes to how the Crop Tool works. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will discuss the changes that were made to the Crop Tool and show you how to use it effectively.
26. Hipster Text Effect in Photoshop CS6
So in this tutorial it will show you how to create a simple text effect with a very trendy hipster look. You will use just basic filters and layer styles to achieve the effect. The whole process won’t take you more than 30 minutes.
27. How to Use the New Timeline Panel in Photoshop CS6 
Have you always wanted to add special effects to your videos but found the thought of learning Adobe Premiere or After Effects a bit daunting or time-consuming? Photoshop CS6 includes a new video timeline panel that will allow you to add effects to your video clips directly in Photoshop. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will show you how this new feature works.
28. Camera Raw Update In Photshop CS6
For photographers who deal with RAW images, you’ll be pleased to know that Camera Raw has been updated to version 7 with Photoshop CS6! Check out what’s new in the updated Camera Raw!
29. Finally Add Strokes Without Layer Styles in Photoshop CS6
In the past, Photoshop did not do a very good job of applying strokes to objects. Applying a dashed line to an object in Photoshop CS5, for instance, could take you about 20 minutes and required quite a few steps. In Photoshop CS6, however, the Photoshop team has simplified the process. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will explain how to quickly apply strokes to your objects using these new features.
30. Create a Dark Vintage Style Motorcycle Poster Design
My absolute favourite style of motorcycle is the custom “bobber”. I love the stripped down appearance and the raw vintage styling. It’s my plan to chop up a bike of my own one day, but for now I have to settle with designing custom motorcycle posters instead. Follow this step by step Photoshop and Illustrator tutorial to combine photography and typography and create a dark vintage style motorcycle poster design.
31. Quick Tip: Rename Layers in Photoshop CS6 Using the Tab Key
Naming your layers is the the first step if you want to take advantage of some of the new layer search features in Photoshop CS6. In the past, naming your layers meant double clicking on each layer individually. In Photoshop CS6, however you can quickly tab through your layers just like you would if you were filling out a form online. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will quickly show you how this new feature works.
32. Playing with Timeline in Photoshop CS6
So in this tutorial it will show you a simple animation using the new timeline and some light effect tricks. The whole process is super simple and won’t take you more than 20 minutes.
33. How to Use the Content Aware Patch Tool in Photoshop CS6
When Content Aware was added to Photoshop CS5, people described the feature as “magical” or “impossible.” Now that we have had a couple years to get acquainted with it, most people find it to be an incredibly useful tool to have in their arsenal. In Photoshop CS6, the Adobe team added a content aware option to the Patch Tool. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will explain how this new feature works.
34. Quickly Select Skin Tones in Photoshop CS6
Skin Aware technology is a relatively obscure feature in Photoshop CS6 that will allow you to quickly select skin tones in a photo. In this episode of our Introduction to Photoshop CS6 series we will show you how this new feature works.
35. Introduction to the New Oil Paint Filter in Photoshop CS6
Filters are a powerful tool in Photoshop to help you apply quick effects to your images. The Oil Paint filter in Photoshop CS6 will give any image a painted look. In this tutorial, we will introduce you to this new filter.