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Best design and web development posts from February 2025

  • February 26th, 2025
  • News

The second month of the year has concluded. In this post, we are rounding up the best design tutorials, from Illustrator tutorials to learning some great techniques for photo manipulations using Affinity. The second half of the post features some great articles, from “Meeting European Accessibility Act (EAA) Standards: A Developer’s Checklist” to how to use Chrome Developer Tools. A great jam-packed edition with some great posts featured in this month’s edition.

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Design Tutorials

How to Quickly Create a Halftone Text Effect in Illustrator

In just under 5 minutes, you can transform any text into a stunning halftone design. This versatile effect is perfect for adding a retro, pop-art vibe to your graphic designs, enhancing web projects, or making a bold statement in your branding. 

How to create a grass-textured creeper from Minecraft

Are you a Minecraft fan? You’ll love this simple Photoshop tutorial on how to create a creeper with a beautiful grass texture.

How to Easily Create a Plastic Wrap Effect in Photoshop

How quick and simple is to create your own plastic wrap using only Photoshop’s built-in filters and in less than five minutes.

How to create a giant panda photo manipulation in Affinity Photo

Check out this Affinity Photo manipulation tutorial to create a whimsical fantasy theme composite consisting of a sprawling scenic view and a giant panda.

Design and Web development articles

Meeting European Accessibility Act (EAA) Standards: A Developer’s Checklist

This guide provides a practical, step-by-step checklist to help developers audit, fix, and future-proof their digital products to comply with the European Accessibility Act (EAA). 

How to Enable SVG Support in WordPress (via Plugin & Code)

SVGs are the solution. They keep images clear on all screens—from phones to big monitors. But WordPress blocks SVG uploads by default. This is frustrating. How can you use SVGs without risking your site’s security?

CSS @function + CSS if() = 🤯

Chrome’s prototype of Custom Functions (CSS @function). Since then the prototype in Chrome got updated with nested container queries support and CSS if() also got added … and like I said: it’s a game changer

How to use the ternary operator in JavaScript

You know how people say, “Programming is basically just a bunch of if...else decisions”? I couldn’t agree more!

How to Increase Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress

This guide will walk you through the process of increasing the maximum file upload size in WordPress efficiently and effectively.

How To Use Chrome’s Developer Tools

The developer tools in Chrome let you inspect website content, view what files are loaded when visiting a page, generate detailed performance reports, and more.

How to Fix Error Too Many Redirects Issue in WordPress

Although running a self-hosted WordPress can have a lot of benefits, there are a lot of errors that also come up which can affect the entire system.

Rainbow Selection in CSS

There is a ::selection pseudo class selector in CSS that allows you to style what content (mostly: text) looks like when it’s selected.

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